In Bad Company

"Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it's better to be alone than in bad company." -Booker T. Washington
I can relate to this statement on a personal level, this is because I have experienced it first hand. I remember in grade school I had made friends with the "Popular crowd" at the time I did not know what this meant, but of course I had friends! Everything was jolly for a while until 6th grade... the time that changed everything. With my so called great friends I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable, they would not do their homework and make me lower my self confidence by calling me heavy and wanting me to do their homework. That was until I grew my female lady parts and decided to find some new friends, friends that I could trust, friends that do not judge me but appreciate me. Later that semester I had forgotten all about my old friends and had found some new hard working friends that are as a bunch of nerds as I am. I am glad I did to because two of my old friends had been lowered to different classes, in their faces! Anyway back to the quote,  this can be advice to anyone who wants a better future and wants to go to college. The attitude and mind set of the people that you surround yourself with can rub off of you more that you expect. Just Keep that in Mind.
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