"A person without a goal is like a ship without a rudder." -Thomas Carlyle
This quote was originally said "A man without a goal" butt im not gonna sit here and take that inequality. So yes I agree with this quote and think it is trying to tell us that when you have no goals you donut go anywhere. However when you do have plenty of goals you are steered toward the direction you want to go in. For example there was a story about some girls, i think they were sisters, that saw a person flying on top of a plane and said to themselves that they were going to do that too. Many years later they are in australia, not only standing on top of a plane, butt also doing handstands and such while the plane is flying IN AIR!!!!! So yes you have to make goals in order to get to the place you want to be at in the future. Because if you donut make goals, who knows where youre gonna end up. It can be crashed in some isolated island or you could even just find yourself just drifting around. I guess there is a upside to just drifting around because then you could #ChristopherColumbus it and find some place new, Of course do not take misogynistic colombus as a good example, i mean he took the homes of many, mofo. So yah do what you want. ctr
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