Registered Nurse

Duties and Responsibilities:

Registered nurses provide and coordinate patient care, educate the public about health conditions, and provide advise and emotional support to patients and their family memebers.

Salary: $70,000


Three education paths for this career include a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, an asscociates degree in nursing, or a diploma from an approved nursing program.

Demand for this Particular:

To be a registered nurse you must be licensed, have communication skills, and compassion. The demand for this career is to grow 15% from the years 2016 to 2026.

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I do not think i would like to be one because if i were aiming for a job in the medical field I'd want to be a doctor of some sort, not a nurse. There is of course nothing wrong with a nurse's job, just knowing me I would not want to be a nurse. 


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