Stand Alone

"Dare to stand up alone. Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alsone." -Thomas S. Monson

I believe that this quote is saying to always choose the right, even if you're the only one choosing that path. This is true because you should just stand up for the right things all the time. It doesnt matter if youre the only one doing that, just as long as you choose the right. An example of this is if everyone you know is drinking at a party, theyre choosing the wrong. You ofcourse decide to choose the right and do not drink. Guess what, in that situation you are standing alone but thankfully standing up for what is right. Another example can be when everyone at school id bullying a specific person. But you donut do that becuase that would be choosing the wrong. So instead you stand  up for the vicitim and stand up for what is right. CHOOSE THE RIGHT UR DISMISSED.
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