Another: A Paul Hatch Song

"When you tell one lie, it leads to another..." -Paul Hatch
I personally believe that this is one heck of a catchy song, the mock music video is pretty funny too. Anyway this quote is also stating the truth because it has happened to me before. This is how my story went: One day I wanted to buy something at school so I asked my mom for money, she asked why I wanted it and I said I wanted to buy something at school, she asked, "Didn't I give some money yesterday." Then I said no, and she said that she could have sworn she did, she gave me the money anyways and watched me as i put that money into my backpack. When I opened the small pocket of my backpack there was a $5 bill sticking out from it, and she asked "Was that the money I gave you yesterday? The one you spent?" I denied all of that nonsense that might have been true and said that I found the bill on the floor as I was walking home. She believed me and as I left I felt so bad and have never lied to her since. That was a good trip down memory lane, anyway let's talk about the quote. The quote itself is very self-explanatory because it is from a song, it describes how lying is a never ending situation, such as a can of worms, it never stops. The quote says how lying is a terrible habit, not only because it leads to another but also because (like I felt when I lied) you end up feeling awful.
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