A Promise

"A promise must never be broken." -Alexander Hamilton

I loveee this quote mainly becuase it was said by Alexander Hamilton! I mean havent you readers seen the amazing play, i mean "how does a bastard, orphan, son of a ... " So anywasys this quote is basically telling you to keep your promises. An example of this could be a video we watched in class about Abraham Lincoln. So supposedly one day he an army man were on a trip and were currently throught the woods. The army man then offered him to have a drink of whisky, and Abhraham's like "naa im good" , classic Abey. So they continued on their trip and a little while later the army mans like "cmon man, if ur not gonna have a drink with me then at least lets share a cigar" and soo abraham was like "ok, since ur sooo understanding ill share a smoke with u, lemme tell u dis one story first" Abraham went on to tell the army guy about a story that happened when he was 9. His very sick mom called him to her bed and said "u have to promise me to never use whisky or tabacco" and lil abey was like "yah mom suuure". Flash forward to the present trip abraham's like "do u still want me to smoke with u?" and the army guy suprisingly manages to say something without crying, which is "naa man, esss finee" . So yah moral of the story: Tell the Truth. CHOOSE THE RIGHT U R DISMMISED!
Image result for alexander hamilton


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