Student Success Statement

"I have been asked what i mean by "word of honor". I will tell you: place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick,reaching ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another i might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk like around me and have me give MY WORD OF HONOR never to cross it. CAN I GET OUT OF THAT CIRCLE? NO,NEVER! I'D DIE FIRST." -Karl G. Maeser

I believe that all this quote is trying to say is that your word of honor is important. I do agree but also think that Maeser might have been eaggerating just to prove his point. I mean in reality i do not think he would die before never crossing it. Nonetheless i still believe most people could learn a thing or two from this quote. I mean has it ever happened that u ask your friend for a favor and theyre like "ok, sure" but then they 'forget to do it' and now you have a big problem with your friend.  Thats happened to me before, and oh how i wished that friend could have had classes taught by Maeser. need 5 more sentences to officially finish writing this post. Ive told u all i thought about this quote, both good and bad and im not rlly feeling it today, sure every day is a blessing but im on my menstrual cycle LOL and yah im telling whoever is reading this bc idgaf and its nooo shocker bc imma teenage girl. 4 more sentences. Nope now 3 hahaha. Are these little fragments even considered sentences though? Idek. CHOOSE THE RIGHT YOU ARE DISMISSED!
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