"Being C-T-R person isn't always easy, but it's the best person you can be." -Diana Beltran
I think this quote is true because being a C-T-R person is a large responsibility you either do or simply donut. A C-T-R person is someone who takes responsibility for their actions and just all in all CHOOSES THE RIGHT. Or in other words makes the right decisions. And i know that a person is not perfect, they are human, and they have to make the wrong decisions at some point. But all im saying is to just try and be a ctr person. Follow this quote, which even says being a ctr person is not easy, but u have to tryyy becuase it is the best person you can be. Im running outta things to say but just know i have to ave at least 10 sentences. 3 now but you can see where im going with this. Okay i have to go redesign my website. So bye. CHOOSE THE RIGHT UR DISMISSED!
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