Video Game Tester
Duties and Responsibilities:
A video game tester works for video game productions companies to thoroughly test their video games before the final version is released to the public. Their resplonsibility to to play a game numerous times, from start to finish, to uncover any hidden glitches and bugs. Then they must sumbit the information to the video game programmers.
Salary: $82,000
You at least need an associates or bachelor's degree to become a video game tester.
Demand for this Particular Career:
To become a video game tester you need to have attention to detail, familiarity with games and gameplay, understanding of video game operating systems, and self motivation. This career is thought to grow because of the advancements in technology, therefore uprise in video games.
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Reflection: DO you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I partly think I would like to be one because a side of me would love to play video games as a career, but the other side would know that I myself am not good at most video games nor would I like to stay inside all day with no exercise or fresh air.