
"Enthusiasm makes the difference." By Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

I agree with this statement because with enthusiasm you create a better situation of everything. You can make the people around you happy and not only them but yourself as well, time goes by so fast when you have a good attitude and are not whining and blowing out the fun. Enthusiasm not only does this but also helps you make friends. And if you do not believe me then try this simple self test: Who would you rather be friends with a downer or an ENTHUSIASTIC PERSON!!! I know I would certainly like to enjoy the company of an enthusiastic person. Being enthusiastic not only helps you in these many situations but also in being a CTR PERSON, which I am sure many of you care about ;). Recent studies have also shown people who smile more, hence have better attitudes such as enthusiasm, live longer. An wouldn't you like to live a very long life, I know I wouldn't but I know some people would. Anyway enthusiasm is always. needed and necessary! 

Based on this image I can tell Dr. Vincent Peale was a very enthusiastic man!


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