Wrong is Never right
"Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT." -Russell M. Nelson
Peer pressure. I believe this statement is talking about peer pressure and that daily quote "If your friends jumped off a bridge would you too?" So yes I agree with this statement, this is because in my years of school I have seen so many examples of peer pressure, both in real life and on television. One of the examples include cheating, let's say your friends are all cheating and you are so tempted to cheat, you cheat too, you know that cheating is wrong but it does not matter to you because your friends are doing it too so it's not as bad. WRONG. Just as the quote says: just because everyone it doing it wrong is never right, remember that. For many people doing drugs is also wrong so let's say your family is 100% drug free, and you also believe that but see every single person you know doing drugs, you of course do not want to be excluded so you hesitantly follow along like the follower you are. I bet your parents told you to never be a follower, I know mines did, so don't you want to make them proud and do the right thing. Now this part is kind of tricky: let's say everyone is doing the right thing, then in that case you have to follow them. According to the quote everyone is doing the wrong thing, but if they are ever doing the right thing, like volunteering, then I suggest you do it. Choose the right!
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