"Its's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (good results, destiny, fortune, good luck) will take car of itself. The dreams will come to you." -Dr. Randy Pausch
I personally believe that for such a long quote, it has one simple message. That message is that when you lead your life correctly (to the light side) good things will come to you. Of course in the quote he goes on about what the possibilities of those good things could be, he uses good karma as his main example. An example or event where this quote could be put into play could be where a student works hard to recieve good grades and ultimately is enrolled into the college of their choice, ending up in the career they dreamed of. This situation shows the student and how they correctly led their life, ending in their good luck and fortune. Though this quote just say that when you lead your life the right way you end up with good results, you still are going to have to work hard. Some people may have the misconception that you just lead your life correctly and you get what you desire. This is not true you are, no matter what, going to have your fair share of set backs, although it is only you who is the only person who can lead your life to the light.
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