Physical Therapist

Duties and Resbonsibilities:

Physical therapists help the injured or ill improve their movement and manage their pain. You may see these types of therapists as an important part of rehabilitaion, treatment, and prevention of patients with chronic illnesses or injuries.

Salary: $85,400


To become a physical therapist you need a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. You also need to be licensed.

Demand for this Particular Career: 

The qualities you should have to be in this career include: compassion, interpersonal skills, and physical stamina. This job is projected to grow 28% from the years 2016 to 2026, this is mainly because of the raise in baby boomers and how easily they recieve health conditions.

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Reflection: DO you think you would like to be one? Why? why not? 

I do not think I would like to be one because this job requires physical stamina, in which I do not have. I do not think I would be qualifies for this job because I am not the best athlete in the room nor should I be the physical role model for some person in dire need of help in the physical depratment.


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