Environmental Engineer

Duties and Responisibilities:

This type of engineer use their training to solve environmental problems. This includes issues with recycling, waste disposal, and  pollution. They work to prevent, control, or remediate any hazards to the enviornment using their engineering expertise.

Salary: $84,890


To become an environmental engineer you must at least have a bachelor's degree in environmental engineering or something related to that, such as civil, chemical, or general engineering. 

Demand for this Particular Career:

Since employers value practical experience you should have been involved ins ome type of training or cooperative engineering program. This job rewuires you to have imagination, interpersonal skills, and problem solving skills. This career choice is projected to grow 8% from the years 2016-2026, this is because of the concern with water availability and the efforts this job will be making to increase the efficiency of water use. 

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Do you think you would like ot be one? Why? Why not?

I would very much like to be one because I have always wanted to do something involved with engineering, and now I not only get to do that but also make the world and it's environment a better place to live in. I could have the chance to solve problems and make positive changes in the world.


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