NO WAY!!!!
"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it." -George Mitchell
I agreee withhh thisss quoteee but alsooo believee that thiss iss a heck of a longgg quote. But yeah I believe why cheat for a while and harm yourself in the long run. A story like this was shown to me by my teacher: Mark McGwire was on top the world, he had won his teams countless of games and had ended up having the 70 home runs, which is wayyy more than anyone else had that season. McGwire broke a big record. That was until a little while later he confessed to using a "low dosage" of steroids. But hey McGwire A SMALL AMOUNT OF A DRUG IS STILL USING THE DRUG, which is considered cheating in sports and basically everywhere. After his confession his career was ruined. Everything he had worked and cheated for collapsed. Starting with his reputation, even his name had been changed in new headlines from "McGwire" to "McLiar", thats clever. Back to the quote: the quote is basically dealing with situations like this. Where people cheat and "helo" themselves for a small amount of time, but what is expecting them is plainly mere consequences and pain. Was it worth it?
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