Physical Therapy Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities: 

Physical therapy assistants work under physical therapists and provide many physical therapy services. They are trusted to assure all patients and clients have access to physical therapy services. Even though a physical therapist chooses what a physical therapy assistant does, they both still work side by side to provide aid to their patients.

Salary: $45, 290


To become a physical therapist you at least need a two-year associates degree. You are also required to be licensed and certified.

Demand for this Particular Career:

To be a physical therapists assistant you would most likely have to work in a variety of different settings to accomodate your patients' needs. You would also need the knowledge and ability to treat conditions like: arthritis, back pain, and dislocations.

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Do you think you would like to be one? Why WHy not?

I do not think I would like to be one because i know i would not be okay to be someones assistant as a job. If i were to consider some type of physical therapy job I would surely become a physical therapist.


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