Be True
"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody what stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong." Ambraham Lincoln
Well well wellio, look what we have here, a quote by one of the greatest presidents, the GOAT if you will, Abraham Lincoln! zSo yeah this quote is saying and demonstrating how truthful Lincoln was. He himself said that he is bound to be TRUE, and he will stand with anybody who is right and true, not wrong thooo. And if you doubt him for one second, thinking that he was just saying that, well u are wronggg. Story time with Key are uh: Well today i heard many, only 3, stories on some of Lincolns most honorable actions. For example he once barrowed a book about George Washington, ohhhh the ironyyyy, from a neighbor, he left it in his cabin, and the book got all wet and destroyed, and Lincoln, instead of lying to his neigbor, told him neighbor (face to face) how he destroyed his book, after that day Lincoln worked hard to earn the money that he later used to pay his neigbor for the book. Another story is about when he worked in a little shop, and he accidnetly over charged a customer by 6 1/4 cents, he later THAT NIGHT walked 6 miles to the customers home to pay them back. The third and final story is about how he had a business with a friends, the business did not work out well and it turned out they were deep in debt, deep doodoo. And instead of leaving and forgetting about he debt lincoln worked 4 jobs for many years to pay it back, you seee his businedd partner had sadly died, so he had to do alot. ok so this is ABraham LIncoln, he is honest, be like honest Abe.
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