Student Success Statement
"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where the goalposts are."
-Arnold H. Glasgow
In this quote the goalposts are a symbol for goals. Your aspirations. All of the things you want to succeed and do in life. You have to know where those goals are in order to succeed in life. I mostly agree with this quote but would like to add that you as well need to have determination to succeed in life. I mean imagine having a bucket full of goals yet being too lazy to do them. Where would that lead you? This quote itself includes an example, which is football. Let's say that you are watching the Superbowl this Sunday, your team is about to win, but one lousy player forgets where the goalposts are, imagine he field kicks at the bleachers instead, I doubt any of this will happen, it is just an example. All in all I believe that this quote is saying that you need to know where you are going in life in order to succeed, you need to have some sort of motivation and those could be your goals.Just like in football, when you reach the goal post and make it in you get a well deserved thing. In football it is a point, and in life it is a a larger source of motivation and pride in yourself. May your goals lead you on the correct path, the CTR path.
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