Student Success Statement

"Character Matters Most." -Dale Murphy

Dale Murphy, the known baseball player with a record amount of home runs siad this quote, as you can see. I believe by saying this quote he is saying that over everything, looks, strength, riches; it is character that you should worry about. Your character is another word for your attitude, your attributes involving personality. It depends on wheather you lie or cheat or tell the truth, it depends n how you treat other people, it depends on you. An example of this quote is Dale Murphy. This is because just by seeing one interview on him, I can tell that he is a CTR person with a great amount of character. How? You may ask me. Well because when he visited a Little League Championship he spoke about the patches some of the mini-players were wearing that said "I will not Cheat". Murphy was part of the campaign teaching kiddie-players how they should not cheat and have character because it is the most important of all. So you should all follow Dale Murphy and the campain he is in and HAVE GOOD CHARACTER, becuase it matters most.
Image result for dale murphy


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