What We DO Today

"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today." -James Freeman Clarke

I believe that this quote is telling the truth. Our decisions impact our futures, so we always have to do well and choose wisely. An example of this can be if in highschool a person decides to not do any of their homework because "They do not need education", doing this wrong act would result in their adult life not being as good as the average person's life. While most people have a stable job they would be working at some McDonalds with their ice cream machine broken. One days worth of bad decisions can impact your life. Another example can be the early 2000s news story which consisted of a couple losing their kid to cancer. Many weeks after the couple were at a coffee shop and decided to pay for the customer behind them. Little did they know that this would have started a chain reaction of good deeds in their home state and community: Michigan. They did a a very good deed without knowing they opened the door of amazing possibilities. This is one of the very rare good deed stories out there. And the only reason this story had a good ending was because it had people do right and make a good difference in their community, but imagine the consequences that would have occured if the couple would have done wrong. An endless amount of wrong actions would have occured and the world would be in no better shape. So think about the decisions you make becuase, depending on the acton, they can help you or make the worst out of the world.
Image result for james freeman clarke


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